Restore Your Real Wood Flooring To Its Original Wonderful State
Buffing is a cost effective way to prolong the lifespan of your floors and keep them looking fresh. Wooden floors should be seen as an investment in your home and one that often adds value so why not give them the respect and care they deserve.
Buffing keys into the finish and removes the top layer of dirt and any superficial scratches or marks. This is then finished with new coats of oil or lacquer.
This process not only keeps your floor looking great but it also prolongs the need for a full restorative sand which is much more costly. As it applies new layers of finish (oil or lacquer) it helps protect the floor as will decrease the chances of a finish breakdown and therefore prevent any water or moisture damage to the woods itself which is a major cause of floor marking.
This process is often popular in busy families with children or pets and in high traffic areas. We would recommend having this done bi-annually to ensure protection for your floors.